Spring Offerings

A season to plant seeds & set intentions

As you watch nature shake off its winter slumber & burst into the vibrant life of spring, think of it as a nudge for your own personal reawakening. You've seen it, right? How the world transforms under the spring sun - trees budding, flowers blooming, the whole landscape coming alive. That's not just nature showing off; it's a cue for you about new beginnings. After all those quiet, still months, life is ready to burst forth with energy & opportunity, & so are you. Those plants & trees, once dormant, now stretching towards the sky - they're a bit like you, aren't they? Getting ready to grow, to push through any barriers, to reach for your own sunlight. That’s why spring is the perfect time for diving into workshops. They're your soil & sunshine, helping you sprout new skills, widen your knowledge, & transform yourself. The offerings I host this time of year are designed to help you plant seeds to blossom throughout the year, helping you make the most of this introspective season.

Manifesting Abundance: Equinox Vision Board Workshop

March 21st ~ 5:30pm-7:30pm ~ $81

20255 Willamette Dr, West Linn, OR

Feeling that gentle nudge as the equinox rolls in, whispering to you to align with the vibrant spring energy? This is the moment the Sun embarks on its fresh journey around the Zodiac, marking the dawn of a new Astrological Year with its bold leap into Aries. It's a time brimming with life, urging us to embrace the momentum, to dive into life proactively. Aries season is our call to adventure, to step out, to take risks, and to tread paths unknown. It's about being brave, chasing our passions, and trusting in the spark within us, even when logic tries to hold us back. This season is an invitation to dance with our fears, to learn from our stumbles, and to kindle the sacred fire that propels us forward.

In this cozy, nurturing workshop, let's channel this Aries energy to bring out our inner warriors and lay bare our heart's deepest desires. I'll guide you through crafting personal affirmations that serve as your daily rallying cry, keeping you inspired and laser-focused on your aspirations.

Immerse yourself in the sense of community this workshop offers. Connect with like-minded souls, exchange stories, share laughter, and perhaps find that companion who'll walk with you towards your dreams. This workshop is a sanctuary for everyone, whether you're seeking a new method of intentional goal-setting or craving some guided support on your path. You'll be equipped with everything you need—vision boards, art supplies, and more—to visually manifest your goals.




Automatic Painting Workshop: Painting With Spirit

March 27th ~ 5:30pm - 8:30pm ~ $81

20255 Willamette Dr, West Linn, OR

Dive into this workshop and let your paintbrush become a direct line of communication to spirit; turning every dab and swirl into a meaningful conversation with your inner self. This isn't just dabbling in a paint project; it's about decoding the whispers of your spirit, captured in every color and shape you lay down.

As you get lost in the rhythm of painting, you'll start cracking the code on what those soulful scribbles actually mean, piecing together the puzzles of your inner universe; where you're both the artist and the spiritual explorer become one. No need to be a Picasso or Frida Kahlo to join in; this is a judgment-free zone where everyone's invited to letting loos, and tune in to the guidance bubbling up from your core. And if you’re wondering how all of this happens, don’t fret; I'll be here to ease you into the experience, creating a space where you can really connect with yourself.

Everything you need is sorted – paints, canvases, the works. Just show up with your curiosity, ready to dive into the depths of your soul. Here's where you get to let your spirit do the talking, all through the magic of a paintbrush.

Eclipse Ceremony: Leaning In & Letting Go

March 25th ~ 5:30pm-7:30pm ~ $54

20255 Willamette Dr, West Linn, OR

Eclipses are these powerful cosmic moments that act like cosmic checkpoints, showing us the fruits of our labor while also nudging us to drop any baggage that's holding us back. They're like the universe's way of saying, "Hey, take a good look at where you're at and where you're headed." Sometimes, what we see can surprise us, revealing that it's time to part ways with old habits, thoughts, or situations that just aren't contributing to our growth anymore.

But there's more to eclipses than just a cosmic spring cleaning. They're also famous for flipping our viewpoints upside down. Ever had that moment when something just clicks, and you see a familiar situation in a totally new light? That's the kind of shift we're talking about. Eclipses have a knack for peeling away the layers of our everyday perceptions, revealing deeper truths and opportunities we might have missed otherwise.

This shift in perspective isn't always comfortable, but it's definitely enlightening. It's like the universe is offering us a fresh pair of glasses to look through, and suddenly, what seemed impossible or nonsensical before starts to make perfect sense. Embracing this change can be the key to moving forward, making eclipses a prime time for personal evolution and re-aligning with our true paths.

This ceremony is an act of gentle devotion where we will sit in circle with one another; engaging in a guided meditation that aligns deeply with the lunar energy, sitting with herbs at tea’s that connect us to the intention of leaning and letting go as we share our experience with holding and the want/desire to control certain aspects of our lives and creating space to shift and let go through acts of sound, trance, journaling, and gentle movement.

This is your time for introspection, to softly unearth what you're ready to let go of & what new beginnings you're ready to embrace. It's a loving process of releasing what no longer serves you, making space for fresh, new chapters in your life.