Summer Offerings

A Season for Expression & Renewal

As the sun climbs higher in the sky, & nature bursts forth in a symphony of colors, we find ourselves in the embrace of summer—an extraordinary season of spiritual significance & profound healing potential. Just as the world outside undergoes a breathtaking transformation, so too can we experience a blossoming of the soul during these warm & luminous months. Summer arrives with a radiant invitation—to illuminate the hidden corners of our being. Nature herself becomes our greatest healer during this time. The lush green landscapes, vibrant flowers, & buzzing life all around remind us of the vitality within & around us. Consider spending time in natural settings, whether it's through forest bathing, beach walks, or tending to a garden. Nature's energy can facilitate profound healing and inner transformation. It's a time to nurture our relationships, connect with nature, & allow the abundance of summer to nourish your mind, body, & spirit. The offerings I host this time of year are designed to help you burn bright, helping you make the most of this expressive season.

Automatic Painting Workshop: Soulful Summer Expressions

June 6th ~ 5:30pm to 8:30pm ~ $84

20255 Willamette Dr, West Linn, OR

Envision a peaceful setting where the warmth of summer, a blank canvas, & your imagination come together. This automatic painting workshop was made to support you most wild expressions. I'll guide you through intuitive painting techniques that liberate you from the “right” and “wrong” way to do things. Here, everything is fair game. Lean into pleasure, fire, & excitement. You'll find joy in the spontaneity of painting blindfolded, trusting your instincts, & allowing your brushstrokes to flow freely, capturing the emotions within. The exploration of colors will be a key part of our journey, as you select shades that mirror your personal connection with nature this time of year.

This is your opportunity to connect with your inner artist in an environment that wholeheartedly supports radical free expression. As the workshop unfolds, you'll do more than just create a summer-inspired masterpiece; you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery through art. And here's the best part: you don't need any prior artistic experience. This is about using painting as a powerful tool for self-expression and exploration..I've got all the supplies ready for you – vibrant paints that practically burst with life, canvases that eagerly await your creative touch, sponges that become extensions of your artistic vision, and palette knives that sculpt your imagination. What's truly essential, though, is your willingness to express and embody emotions that feel utterly fantastic. By the end of this workshop, you'll not only have a deeper understanding of your creative process but also a network of kindred spirits who share your passion, and a renewed wellspring of artistic confidence.

Solar Synergy: Summer Solstice Ceremony

June 20th ~ 5:30pm to 7:30pm ~ $54

20255 Willamette Dr, West Linn, OR

This is a heartfelt tribute to the sun & its profound significance during the Summer Solstice. Here, we're going on a journey with Hathor, the goddess of love, sound, fertility, & pleasure. We're inviting her wisdom to shine a light on our path, helping us let go of what no longer serves us as we burn away old stories & narratives, leaving space for something new, vibrant, & deeply meaningful.

This workshop is a vibrant celebration of creativity, kindled by the radiant sun. We're diving deep, into the realm of solar energy healing, with a special focus on the radiant solar plexus chakra, the center of personal power & confidence. Get ready for a Solar Attunement, a sacred connection with your inner sun, where self-confidence & empowerment blossom.

The benefits of this workshop are as abundant as the sun's golden rays. As you bid adieu to this experience, you'll carry with you a deep sense of empowerment, unwavering confidence, & a burning desire to let your inner light shine brilliantly. This workshop extends an invitation to embrace self-expression, nurture your connection with the soothing embrace of nature & the sun, & create a sacred space where negativity gracefully transforms into positive change.

Somatic Workshop: Pleasure Mapping

August 6th ~ 5:30pm to 7:30pm ~ $54

20255 Willamette Dr, West Linn, OR

Welcome to a space where your body's needs & desires take center stage, just as they should. In this workshop, we invite joy, pleasure, & heart-centered healing to be your companions on this journey of self-discovery. We'll start by attuning ourselves to what your body truly craves, & rest assured, your experience is our top priority. It's all about creating a welcoming atmosphere where you can explore the depths of joy, pleasure, & healing.

Through expertly guided somatic exercises, we'll connect with the sensations & emotions residing within your body. Our focus areas will include the heart, sacral, & root chakras, allowing you to tap into the essence of your being. Prepare to awaken your senses in delightful ways as we delve into the realms of smell, touch, & sound. These sensory explorations are designed to help you forge a deeper connection with your body's expressive nature.

In our time together, we'll also dive deep into understanding your body's boundaries. What makes you feel good? What doesn't? We'll explore ways for you to communicate these boundaries, both to yourself & to those around you. This newfound clarity will pave the way for enhanced intimacy & connection in all your relationships.

Above all, this workshop is a profound homage to your body. It's a journey that promises heightened body awareness, a release of pent-up stress, liberation from shame, improved relationships, & a deeper understanding of your true self. In our safe & nurturing space, we celebrate pleasure as an essential component of your well-being. It's an invitation to embrace joyful living & cultivate relationships that are rich, fulfilling, & deeply connected. Your body's wisdom is at the heart of it all, guiding you toward a life where pleasure reigns supreme.