What Are Tests From The Universe?

If the concept of “tests from the universe” is foreign to you, then hold tight! I want to help you understand what tests look like, how they show up, and what you need to do in order to move through them with ease.

The first time I realized I was being tested by the universe, I was 21. There was A LOT going on in my life, and as a young, impressable, and emotionally unstable 20-something, I struggled to find my place in this world and every test that came my way from 19-21, I failed; and just to be clear, even when I started passing tests, it took a few years to decern what was good for my authenticity and what was comfortable from a trauma response. From shitty partners to being manipulated by a close friend; choosing to go to a university based on a high school boyfriend that I eventually need up separating from, and dropping out of that college in my second semester during spring break to never return. I was couch hopping and living day by day, trying to emotionally survive the toxic life I had set up for myself. It was this rock bottom that made me realize all of the tests that had been given to me and one by one…I failed them, bringing me deeper and deeper into my dysfunctional behavior and unwavering anxiety until a clear moment when I noticed an opportunity to shift my experience. I began to realize the patterns I had been perpetuating by playing small…and ignoring red flags.

Now honestly, when I look back at that time, I realize that what was really happening was a shift in self-worth. At the time, it felt more like avoiding things that always went sour, but now I understand that the beginning of my journey back to wholeness was in that moment. Now, for any of you who have begun this process, you know it’s not linear and doesn’t happen overnight. So even though I started recognizing red flags, being honest with myself and others, and finding ways to take accountability for my past actions, this was just the beginning. The complete turnaround from the helpless, insufferable, troubled young woman that I was taking about 5 years of intentional work, and even then, it felt like I was at a baseline of self-awareness. 9 years later, I am still learning, growing, and untying the generational knots and societal expectations. The point of this is to show you how listening to signs and tests from the universe can dramatically alter your life. It can align you with wholeness, career opportunities, and intentional relationships that serve your authenticity. During that period, I began to notice the patterns in my life, the rock bottoms, the glorious highs, and the opportunities that took me from one end of the pendulum to the other. 

Examples Of Universal Tests

Let's look at a few examples from of some ways the universe is asking you to listen to her messages through signs, & tests.

Relationship Tests

Imagine a woman; let's call her Ginny. Ginny has been in terrible relationships her entire life. Moving from one loser to another, all her partners are judgmental, shallow, and have a tendency to get really angry when they drink. Now imagine Ginny breaking up with her partner and saying good riddance, and a year later, she decides to jump back into the dating pool. The first person she meets seems friendly and open-minded, but after the third date, she notices they drink a lot and care too much about having a nice car and designer clothes. RED FLAG. Sure, they are nice and open-minded, but they still hit on two past patterns of partners that have not worked out. Now, let's say she notices this and moves on; I would call this "passing a test". Now, will she be tested again? Maybe, most likely, until she is in her worth. However, passing these tests and choosing not to settle will eventually always bring in an aligned partner. 

Career Tests

Alright, let's look at career. Imagine someone named Alba. Alba has been working for crappy cooperation for four years and is underpaid, overworked, and has to deal with discrimination in the office weekly. They believe they cannot make more money anywhere else and convince themselves of this, which is why they stay and sacrifice their worth. One fine day, they decide that they have had enough and start looking for new job opportunities in their area. To their surprise, they find several jobs offering them more than they were making. Now, Alba could have taken any of these jobs, and it would have been an upgrade. Still, they interviewed their potential bosses to find out what they value in an employee and how they keep up company morale and asked them to give a higher wage than what was listed on the job ad. Alba passed this test. They went above and beyond to find a job that suited them rather than trying to suit someone else. Because of this, they got the desired job and were paid $10 over the initial starting wage for the position. 

Financial Tests

Now, there are many different ways we can look at finances, but for this example, we are going to use the topic of scarcity—someone who struggles with a fear of not having enough, coming from a place of lack. For this example, we are going to talk about Benjamin. Benjamin has tests come up constantly, always in a whirlwind of scarcity; he finds himself with a car that has been broken into, the next week, he has an unexpected medical bill, and the week after that, his water heater goes out. He is in constant fear that he won't have enough money. Living paycheck to paycheck, he fears getting a new job that he may like because he believes he will have to take a pay cut; he also worries about going back to school because he can't afford to pay it off. Do you see the vicious cycle? Benjamin is faced with tests every time an unexpected bill comes up; the difficulty is trust and grace. Will he trust that something good is coming and that the universe will always provide him with what he needs as long as he is active in going up against his fears? Will he find ways to get more income by getting another job or selling something he creates? He could also look into high-demand careers willing to pay for the education. When Benjamin looks outside his fear, he finds opportunities to grow and trust in his future rather than withering away in scarcity

These are stories of folks I know with their identities protected who all rose above their limiting beliefs and found their worth on the other side. Tests get easier to pass with practice, and the surefire way to notice you are being tested is to look at your triggers and see the patterns around them. The ones that keep coming up ask you to look at them with kind eyes and find a new solution that resonates with your soul's expression. Be kind to yourself, and do the things that scare you. Through this, you will always find peace on the other side. 

Looking For Support To Pass These Universal Tests?

If this intrigues you and you are looking for someone to help you shift paradigms, and pass universal tests, look no further! Hey there, my name is Emily Rose, and I work with clients worldwide searching for a solution to their problems. As a hypnotherapist, I am formally trained in Timeline Therapy, NLP, Regression, Parts Integration, and Coaching. I use all of my tools in session to help you create the foundational change you so deeply desire. If you want to know more about me, head over to my "About Me" page. If you're thinking, "This is so cool, and I have questions about how to work with you!" Check out my scheduling page  where you can book a free 20-minute clarity call to get to know one another. I'm happy to lend any resources I have to your journey and answer any questions about Hypnotherapy. I appreciate your love and support for Mystic Rose Medicine, and thank you for taking the time to read and sit with me as I help you make sense of the hypnotic world!

With Love, Emily Rose Wheeler


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I'm Emily Rose

Embodiment Coach + Energy Therapist

I'm your unwavering guide, here to liberate you from the grasp of old stories & labels that were never truly yours. Together, we'll reignite the connection between your mind & body, offering grounding & nurturing support to shift you from a sense of disconnection and stagnation to one of embodiment and wholeness in your life's journey. I firmly believe that purpose, passion, & pleasure are attainable for everyone.


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